Wednesday, 14 November 2012

I have just spent the most amazing day - at work!  In fact, most of my days at work are amazing, because God is in that place.  Yes, God is everywhere, but because the place I work is a Christian charity, the Presence of God seems to be much more accessible, since He is present in every person in that place.  However, we weren't 'at work' today, but on a staff away day, with worship, prayer, ministry by the Holy Spirit and such inspiration and enlightment that my soul is fairly bursting with the love of God!

We were all being encouraged to seek after God, to live relationally with Him, in order to work with Him and be ready to be used in the revival that is surely even now beginning.  We heard testimonies of people who were really truly living this way, and it was costly for them.  But the rewards of seeing lives changed, of seeing the light of God shining out of them into the dark places of the world, was worth the cost. 

I want to live that way!  But the thing I came away with at the end, was a word given by one of our staff during our final prayer time.  We were all seated in a ballroom, but the wooden floor was covered by a carpet.  He could see one section of the floor, and as he looked at it, God said to him that, like the floor which was made for dancing, we were covered up by things which hid our real selves.  He believed God was saying that we needed to led God reveal to us what He had created us to do and to be for Him, and not to try to hide from our purpose.

This really spoke to me.  Now, my girls will tell you that I cannot dance - I have no rhythm and no desire to even try.  However, in times of worship, I have felt like dancing, but only because I imagined I was dancing with Jesus.  This word which was shared today reminded me of a very vivid dream I had years ago.  I was in a room all by myself.  I could hear beautiful music, so I began to dance, as no one was there to watch me.  As the music flowed, so did my dancing - I was dancing for Jesus, and I felt loved in His Presence.  A little girl came into the room and just stood and watched me dancing.  She smiled and said how beautiful my dance was.  Instead of feeling awkward, I felt fulfilled and happy.  I woke up with a real sense of purpose and belonging.

The word today was a confirmation of what God has been speaking into my heart over the last few weeks - that He is restoring me for the purpose for which He has created me.  He is instilling in me a freedom and a joy and peace that I have rarely known before.  Whether I can physically dance or not, my spirit is filled with God's Spirit, and I can move with Him and share His beauty and light, through my words, my actions and my love.

While sharing this with you who are reading, I am praying for you, that you, too, will seek to deepen your relationship with the Father.  Listen for His voice and feel His love.


  1. This is so lovely, Eleanor. As someone known to say that I am 'dancing on the inside' when I long to dance physically but am unable to do so, I can fully relate to your need for expression in that way.
    To be so free and relaxed in the Lord's presence is something wonderful to aim for. Our delight in Him and His in us can take us to depths we may not have known before. Keep on dancing!:)

  2. Thank you, Joy! God bless you - you are a real encourager!
