Sunday, 11 November 2012

New Season

Well, I'm finally beginning something I've wanted to do for a very long time.  Since this is a new season in my life, it seems right to be writing a blog now.

Although I've always believed I had the talent to be a writer and the dream to become an author, my offerings have been few over the years.  School English classes were heaven to me and I loved writing assignments.  It wasn't as hard to start as it was to stop!  Word count limits were my only stopping point, thankfully for the teachers.  I know the bonus of good grades on my compositions were the encouragement I needed to keep on writing, but when I wrote it felt like I couldn't NOT write.  It was something I had to do, because it was such a real part of who I was.  I found real joy in writing.
It wasn't so much the ability to express my thoughts and feelings, as it was the fun of the words, giving readers the pictures of what I was saying.  I loved letters, words, sentences, even punctuation!  (Exclamation points are my favourite!!!)

Once school days were behind me, my choices in life meant that my work wasn't with words.  I dabbled in my spare time with letters to editors and magazine articles, poems in cards to family and friends, but nothing serious.  Later years brought opportunities to physically work with words as a typesetter, then as an editorial assistant on a magazine.  I did have opportunities to write articles and reviews, as well as doing some editing and lots of proofreading.  However, the elusive 'book' was just that - elusive.

I didn't realise it during those years, but all of the experiences of life were formulating into material for this time when I can now begin 'serious' writing.  Is blogging serious?  Yes, I believe it is - I have been inspired and helped and encouraged and moved by the blogs of people I now count as friends, even though I don't know all of them personally.  To be able to touch someone emotionally, mentally, spiritually through what is written is a real gift - so, yes, blogging is serious writing.

Why call myself 'Ready Writer'?  It comes from Psalm 45:1, which says, ". . . my tongue is the pen of a ready writer."  Nothing encourages me more to write than the Word of God.  If what I read and what I hear preached and taught from the Bible causes me to speak and write in order to share it with as many people as I can, then I am indeed a 'Ready Writer'!  My daily walk with Jesus is filled with words: prayers, thoughts, reading, listening to God.  All of these words can be shared, simply to encourage those who may read them to also pray, think, read, listen for themselves, so that they, too, can rejoice in their relationship with the Word Himself - Jesus.

I may not have a handle yet on the working of blog layouts, photos, etc., but I will gradually learn how to make this blog more eye-appealing.  However, for now, I just have to get the WORDS out there, and in doing that, share THE WORD, JESUS, with you who read this.  He is the reason I write, and I write for His glory, not my own.  This is my prayer, that those who read will also share, so that more and more will come to know Him, Who to know is eternal life!




  1. As an English teacher just ploughing through a pile of 100 pieces of writing by 16 year olds, I'd like to say I wish they were all as keen as you were on punctuation .... Well done on starting a blog. Mine makes sure I keep my hand in and it's a great way to get feedback on your writing.

    1. Thanks, Fran. I had plans to become an English teacher, but God led in other directions.

  2. Welcome to the blog-world BarbieJ ;D I look forward to reading here. And did you know ~ there are ways to get a blog published as a book?!

  3. Hi Barbie, I saw your announcement of the blog on the ACW Facebook page and had to come and have a look! (Can I join the 'We love exclamation marks' club, please?!) The blog looks great - clean and clear and appealing - and it is filled with encouragement for other writers. The text is great and I'm sure many of us will be holding it to our hearts and maybe pinning it above our desks. So, keep going and enjoy. I'm convinced blogging and e-publishing and all the other great new ways to communicate these days offer God's writers great new ways to share His message of love and hope. (Oh and if you have time, maybe take a look at my blog: :)

    1. Hi, Dorothy! Thank you so much for your kinds words. I really appreciate your comments, which are so encouraging. I haven't had a chance ot look at your blog yet, but I certainly will. Thank you again and God bless you!

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, Martin, you're right! Thank you for commenting - it's all encouraging, as is the inspiration I get from the FB comments on the ACW page. God bless you.

  5. I'm blogging too, at Getting people to leave comments is one of the hardest - and sometimes the most disheartening part. It's easy to feel that your words are floating off into cyberspace, and no one knows they are there.But actually there are people reading -and you've done well with the comments so far. I think you're supposed to comment on the comments - thus provoking dialogue and debate!

    I must now Google 'Persimmons' - on offer at Tescoe's so I bought it. Now what to do with it?

    1. Hi, Marion! Thank you for commenting - I am amazed at everyone's encouragement. Yes, I plan on responding to people's comments - just got back from the day job, so rushed to my laptop to be inspired and very grateful. I plan to take a look at your blog, too. I have read your writings before, so look forward to it. Thanks and God bless you.

  6. Hi Barbie, I also saw the notice of your blog on Facebook and was intrigued to read it. I'm so pleased I did. A lot of what you write here resonates with me as it accurately describes some of my own writing/blogging journey. I'm a relative newbie myself and am learning so much in the sheer process of 'doing'. Your blog is lovely in the way it speaks of your desire to be true to yourself and the Christian faith that shapes everything you do. Well done! :)

    1. Thank you, Joy! That is so encouraging. I am looking forward to the journey, and I'd love to share in yours, too. Could you please let me have your blog address (is that what they're called?)? Thinking about what to write next!!!
